Another year gone by...

So, another year goes by before I post here. I find that in a nutshell, I suck at doing these updates.
Since the last update, you might find some changes here. Like the title. Stacey moved out at the end of January, and Carolyn and I have been making a go at it. We're doing great. The picture at the left is of Melissa. She's the new lady in my life, and she's great. She's got two great dogs, Maggie and Oliver, and a great sense of humor. She loves Carolyn, Carolyn loves her, and we love each other.
The house we bought at the end of last year is up for sale. But likely, it will be a short sale, as the housing market here has gone in the dumper. The same model of home we bought in November is being sold new for $20k below the price we bought it, and there are builder incentives to go with that. The market is bad out here if you're selling. But if you're in the market and have the means, there are some steals to be had.
Work is going well. I'm running the poker room at the Flamingo, but that may be changing soon as they may need my skills elsewhere. Should know more about that in a few days.
Carolyn is doing well in pre-K, with the normal 4-year-old stuff, she's smarter than ever, and a challenge to keep ahead of.
We recently went camping for the first time, and had a great four night stay in the Sherwin Creek Campground near Mammoth Lakes. Check out a review of the campground here.
All-in-all, things are going ok. With a little luck, everything will be turned around by the end of the year, and we can celebrate a happy new year (and Carolyn's birthday!)
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