Things are moving at a pretty good clip around here. That goes doubly so for wunder-baby Carolyn. She's not quite 8 months and can already pull herself up to standing. At this pace, she'll be walking in the next couple of weeks, and running up the credit card bills by her first birthday. But if she asks for the car keys, it's a no.
Stacey has come to work for the same company I work for, so we both work out of the house. So for most of the week, it's Stacey, Carolyn and I in a 12x12 room. And that's if the cat's don't join us.
Speaking of cats, Carolyn has a new job - cat torture. This seems to be a symbiotic relationship. Carolyn goes after the cat. The cat moves. Repeat. The cat gets exercise (she's fat and needs it), Carolyn is entertained, and the world is a happy place. That is, until Carolyn grabs the cat's fur and pulls. Thus, the cat torture element.
Anyway, I gotta get back to work. Everyone else is out of the office for the moment, so I have the whole 12x12 to myself...
Oh, here's a picture for ya...
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